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You Trick, We Treat

22 October, 2013 - 07:35am by - First Lady | 3 Comments

image: istock

Competition posted by BR Natalie


With the help of the beautiful people at Avon and to celebrate Halloween; we're going to be giving away a prize a day until All Soul's Day!  It's simple - You Trick, We Treat.  Tell us a beauty trick and we just might treat you for it! 

For your chance to win a prize supplied by Avon make sure you are signed in to your Beauty Review account and simply comment below with your top beauty tip!  You'll also earn yourself 2 BR points just for commenting!

And don't forget you can spread the word by clicking the Twitter or Facebook icon at the top of the article...Beauty Review would love to welcome new members to our coven!

***check out and share our daily FB competition - it's open to every one, so your Uncle Fester and Cousin It can have a go too!***

The legal bit:

You Trick We Treat is open to NZ residents and Beauty Review Members only.

No Cash alternative.

1 entry per member per day.

Winner will be picked between by BRs Merilyn and Natalie the following morning and will be sent an email from Beauty Review.


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22nd October, 2013

When doing your mascara and eyeliner, use a business card (or just any small rectangle of card) to get it perfect... hold it on your lid behind your lashes so that you can really blink into the wand without getting any smudges on your eyelids. you can make your lashes look so amazing that way!! and then when you're applying eyeliner, line up the straight edge of the card with the outer third of your lower lashline (make sure the card extends out further) and simply trace along that to get the perfect wing for your eyeshape. seriously, it works every time! xx

22nd October, 2013

My tip is when I am feeling tired and blah and like I am in an absolute state... bb cream and mascara, makes you look fresh, wide awake and like you have flawless skin

22nd October, 2013

Àdd a few drops of Rose hip oil to your regular moisturiser for an extra touch of nourishment