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You WON'T Believe What Some People Do During Brazillian

13 December, 2023 - 09:36am by - First Lady | 11 Comments


Dear Client,

I am your Beauty Therapist.  I tackle the areas of your body that you dislike or are uncomfortable with and hopefully you leave my salon feeling beautiful and confident.

Now I know any job in the beauty industry seems glamourous, but let me tell you the truth.  Behind the smile and the chit chat lie long hours, a low-end pay scale and customer service so full on it's exhausting.  When I return home to MR B.T I often have to take myself in the bedroom to decompress from the conversations I've had.  Salacious gossip.  Truly heartbreaking personal problems.  TMI to levels that would make even the most bawdy lass cringe. 

Another thing I know is that often my clients are very self-conscious about coming in for certain treatments.  Like the infamous Brazilian.  And I totally get it - other than your partner, doctor or midwife, your lady areas should remain private right?  Afterall, a lady reveals nothing. 

Unfortunately for us Beauty Therapists, some ladies reveal more than anyone would want to see.

Let me preface my secret-spill-all by say vagina schmagina.  Bikini waxing is my most popular procedure - I don't bat an eyelid at the mooey.  I see a lady garden that needs pruning and I prune it.  I've waxed family members and best friends, and guess what, I can still look them in the eye.

And yet every so often I deal with a client who makes a Brazilian just a little less pleasant.


I always offer full service to my clients - no one wants the rear-view of their bikini to let them down right?  Well one regular client brings a whole new meaning to the word skidmark. Ladies, the saying is wipe from front to back, not wipe onto the back.  Or indeed the treatment bed.

Aunt Flo.

If there's one thing that unites all women it's that monthly visit from Aunt Flo.  But here's a tip ladies - hot wax and a tampon string do not make for a comfortable bikini wax.

And speaking of Aunt Flo - please do not dispose of your used sanitary protection in one of our  pristine white fluffy towels.  Please.

Wash.  Please wash.

Did you mean to leave that piece of tissue paper in that spot?  Just like you would a midday smear test, freshen up before your appointment.  Please!  Please! 

And when I offer you our wipes, please use them.  And dispose of them in the bin clearly provided.  Do not leave them on the floor, bench or worse, my clean counter top.

Oh, and, there's one thing a quick wash or a wipe will not solve...please save any amorous activity until AFTER the wax.  Seriously.  Ick.

Wee, Wee, Wee, All the way home.

Weak pelvic floor muscles are a curse to many a woman.  And they shouldn't hold you back.  Empty your bladder just before your wax (and note the previous point) and advise your therapist so she can lay an extra towel down. 

And, if it helps, I was once waxing my bestie who peed on me.  And we're still friends. 


I will finish this by saying I am of course talking about the minority, the majority of clients (like you, I'm sure) would never commit these CABs. (Crimes Against Beauticians).

And so, until next time, I will sign off this edition of Salon stories you won't believe with three ominous words.

To be continued...

Your Beauty Therapist.



*The experiences in this article are from a qualified Beauty Therapist. The experiences she has reported are real.  Her name has been hidden to protect the identity of herself, her salon and mostly, her clients.  Innocent or otherwise.




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10th October, 2024

Have to admit, I've never done a Brazilian - so all this things sound a bit icky... Especially the one about "poo-nani"..

24th June, 2024

Have been seeing my beauty therapist for just over a decade. I always try my utmost to present well. It's a personal service and proper etiquette should be followed.

24th June, 2024

Who would want to be a beauty therapist?? People can be so disgusting

14th June, 2024

I haven't been to my beauty therapist for ages, and I have to say, reading this has made me self-conscious about going. My therapist told me a story about someone else and it made me think I wouldn't want to be the subject of a story told to someone else so I try to do everything myself at home now. I have tried another therapist for an indulgence and if I go back, I'll go there.

15th January, 2024

Interesting read, i would make extra sure its all clean there before going im so like careful about it, cause that would be gross

10th January, 2024

I used to be a beauty therapist and I feel in most cases women usually make sure they're clean. I used to offer wet wipes to give themselves a quick cleanup so at least they felt fresh and I also knew they were too. But one event that occurred a fews is that when I was working in a spa that had accommodation facility's nearby I had many a lass book in after they had already spent one evening with their "special person". This was the worst, I won't say anymore as it'll give you nightmares

4th January, 2024

Some people just don't seem to think how they would feel if the roles were reversed.

3rd January, 2024


1st January, 2024


16th December, 2023

Really !! Should they need to give that advice !!

15th December, 2023

Oh yikes. I couldn't do their job!

16th December, 2023

no people can be so gross !!

26th June, 2024

exactly !!

21st January, 2024

good point .

15th January, 2024

Id so love to hear your stories!

21st January, 2024

so would I .Some people are gross !!

26th June, 2024

That is how everyone should act -total respect -Good on you tabucutie!!



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