I hadn't bought a heat protect spray in years (shamefully), but bought the VO5 shampoo and conditioner so decided to by the heat protect spray (and another smooth/shine spray) and have the whole set so to say.
I love the smell of this one and I love the bottle. The spray is easy to use and gives a good coverage on your hair. I found that my hair was somewhat less frizzy after using this before blowdrying and straightening so completely happy about that.
I notice I still get some damage to my hair from using straighteners, but for the price I am happy with the results. I am sure I have less damage than without using this product, but more importantly I am happy with it simply reducing the frizz in my hair when blowdrying/straightening.
Shampoo and Conditioner are the obvious answers to hair care, but I think that also need good protection if you're styling your hair. VO5's Heat Protect Styling Spray is perfect if you're blow-drying or using heating tools lots. It protects the hair from the damaging heat, makes the hair dry faster and gave me a better end result. I really like this product, and it smells nice!