Rexona's known for its anti perspirant sprays and roll ons.With regular sprays you would normally get a white powdery film under your arms when spraying. But this formula is said to be invisible and it is.
This spray comes in a 100ml spray can . Its a tall long can that's black and white with Rexona on it. I find the nozzle on this can easy to use. On the back of this can it has the instructions of how to apply it. The texture of this sprays just a normal liquid but it's clear.
I like to apply this after I've had a shower. I wear a lot of Black clothing and normally with any other sprays I would get staining in my under arms on my clothes. Finally a spray that hasn't stained my clothes. It lasts me all day long. I don't need to apply more . I managed to get mine on sale at the time, but I think for its price its reasonable. One can lasts me a little over a month. This is one of my deodorant favourite sprays.
I bought this product for $5 from the supermarket and it's worth it. It is invisible like it said no stains or marks like it said it would. i use this everyday and I love it.