I’ve always had longish full eyelashes and brows but found they started to look sparse. I watched many YouTube reviews on all the different serums available and thought what the heck it’s worth a try! I didn’t want to spend mega bucks on something that “may” work so picked up flash from farmers as I had a $20 voucher.
I started to notice results after a week. Not huge result but a subtle difference in the length of my lashes. After 4 weeks my flashes looked more fuller and the length was very noticeable. It took a wee while longer to notice a difference in my brows (my hairs haven’t gotten longer, my brows just look fuller) and noticed a difference at around the 4 week mark. At the 8 week mark I’ve got the desired length in my lash, they look fuller, and the length is amazing, with an amazing natural curl. I’ve stopped wearing black eye liner as it can make you look a lashes look crazy long and spidery. My brows are taking a little longer to sprout than I hoped, but I’ll stick in there as I have noticed a difference and they don’t look so sparse.
I haven’t had any stinging or reaction with using this product. I have sensitive eyes and wear contacts full time.
I first purchased fLash around 3 years ago on recommendation from my local pharmacy after having lash extensions that left me with very short eyelashes once the extensions had fallen out. It definitely takes around 4 weeks to be noticeable, but is worth the nightly discipline before bed. I have purchased since from Onceit at a slightly cheaper price, but in comparison to some of the other brands fLash is pretty reasonable.
Tips: If you use fLash regularly for the first four weeks you will notice a difference, just add it to your nightly beauty routine. If you want an even quicker fix - use morning and night but make sure you allow it to dry properly prior to putting on any powder foundation/eye makeup. Once you get to your desired length you can have a break for a few days to extend the life of the serum.