This is a great product - and I truly believe that, because I repurchased when I NEVER repurchase products!!
I used the medium, which did a great job of covering my skin imperfections. It stayed put all day and didn't cause any issues for my sensitive, combination skin. As a bonus, it has SPF. This so important in our NZ sun!
In winter I did find it was a bit dark and heavy for my pale skin, but then I bought their BB Blending Brush. This gave me an amazingly light, natural coverage, far superior to what I was achieving with my fingers! As a bonus, the brush has actually made it even faster for me to apply.
My only issues with this is the price - $50 is more than I would usually pay for a 50ml product. However, it's an NZ-made product made with safe ingredients that are gentle on my skin, it covers my blemishes and protects me from the sun. For all that, I'm willing to pay the price!
This bb cream has great coverage. I find it quite Matt and lasts all day. It dosnt go shiny like a lot of other bb creams do. It's great that it's an all natural product and you can get samples before you purchase a full size item.