Packaging- When I first purchased the product, the bottle was very leaky and everytime I used it the product would just pour out like a tap, so ended up just having to dab it onto my face. After a while, the spray pump started working properly and now I can use it without it spilling everywhere but it does still leak a little bit.
Product - I find this works really well for setting my makeup but does take about 5 - 10 minutes to sink in and work with my foundation. It's refreshing and doesn't have an unpleasant odor or create tackiness on the skin. It settles well.
Lasting power - I find that the mist and set doesn't really create a long lasting makeup like it says it would. I could easily go without it and my makeup wouldn't suffer or fade for it.
Overall- I have mixed feelings, I use this everyday just for the fact that I like the way it settles in with my makeup and is refreshing on the skin, however it doesn't help with fading or wear ability.
I think I love this but for all the wrong reasons!
I found that this make up mist and spray did not in any way enhance and enable my make up to last all day. In all honesty, on top of my foundation or powder, it just made my face have a more 'dewyer' appearance.
I also found that my bottle leaked a lot? When it arrived from iHerb, the packaging of it was very wet. Aswell as this, when I would spray it, it would come out of the bottle in big droplets which wouldn't feel too flash on the skin :/
But infact i do love this product in the summer time or after i have cleansed my face! It is such a hydrating spray that cools down my skin and also my redness!
I have a love/hate relationship with this product but I guess you will need to try it for yourself!