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fLash Amplifying Lash Serum

fLash Amplifying Lash Serum
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An eyelash serum like this has never been available before at such an affordable price with such a powerful promise. Flash Eyelash Serum is a lash conditioning serum that dramatically enhances lash length and fullness within weeks by fortifying and conditioning the lash follicles. It is physician formulated and tested and also cruelty free. Flash should be applied daily along the lash line to clean, dry skin, consistently for approximately 6-8 weeks for optimal results. 


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fLash Amplifying Lash Serum

fLash Amplifying Lash Serum


Overall rating:
19th August, 2021
1 members found this review useful
best lash serum ever.

I love this stuff! I tried it out one day because it was really cheap at the chemist warehouse and i wanted to see if it would even really work, and it did! I used to have VERY short eyelashes i’m talking even with coats of mascara on they wouldn’t even be able to be seen… But flash is life changing it made my lashes so long and fluffy I don’t even have to wear mascara if i don’t want to anymore.

I have used about 2 bottles of this stuff but it lasts ages for me i think each bottle lasted me about 3 or 4 months? even though the bottle says about 1 month of uses. I have used so much just as maintenance to keep my lashes nice and long and am only applying when needed now.

Tips: you can also use this on your eyebrows! i like to apply it to my arches for a bit more definition.

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Overall rating:
18th August, 2021
1 members found this review useful
Really long eyelashes

I love this product! I used it for a couple of months and actually had to stop because my eyelashes got too long and were touching my glasses. I now use it just once a week as maintenance

Tips: Use regularly until you achieve the desired length and then switch to a weekly maintenance dose

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Overall rating:
17th August, 2021
0 members found this review useful
Best Value Lash Lengthening Serum

If you want to lengthen your lashes and not blow your budget, fLash lash serum is the way to go. I noticed my lashes were longer after around 4 weeks and maintained their length as long as I kept using the lash serum. I didn't experience irritation and found it easy to use applying nightly before bed - I always got so many compliments on my eyelashes and often, people assumed I was wearing lash extensions or falsies when really, it was just lash serum!

Tips: Always use before bed so it doesn't affect your eye makeup throughout the day.

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Overall rating:
7th August, 2021
0 members found this review useful
Can't live without (seriously)

This is an absolute must-have product - a real game changer for people like me with naturally sparse and stumpy lashes. I have been using this fLash serum for the past two years or so and apply it every night (bottom and top lashes). I first started noticing thicker and longer lashes after about 6 weeks. The transformation was incredible- my lashes after applying mascara were starting to touch the bottoms of my eyebrows! I had so many colleagues and friends commenting on my lashes and asking what mascara I was using. Several of them bought fLash after I told them that this serum was my secret. After using fLash religiously for almost a year, I stopped for a couple of months as a result of me trying to save money. After several weeks I noticed my lashes becoming thinner and shorter - back to their original state. It wasn't long before I re-purchased fLash (and attempted saving money in other ways). I've never again ditched fLash from my beauty regime! It's honestly a must-have.

Tips: fLash can also be effective as an eyebrow serum if there are any thin patches.

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Overall rating:
19th May, 2021
0 members found this review useful
Long Lashes the easy way!

Having never used an eyelash serum before, I chose fLash after seeing the results a colleague had using the serum. I don’t have time – or patience – to apply false lashes each day, and I wasn’t keen on lash extensions, so the idea of getting long lashes as part of my daily routine really appealed.

Applied daily to the upper and lower lash lines for best results, the applicator brush makes the serum easy to apply and once on it dries quickly. The serum dries clear, so this could be applied in the morning and worn under makeup.

After a fortnight of daily use, I started to see results. Initially this was extra length in a few lashes, but after a month of use, my lashes were longer and looked thicker. Other people also noticed the difference at this point, commenting on how long my lashes looked. I love mascara and it is part of my daily routine, but I found I needed to apply less mascara the longer I used fLash. My eyelashes also looked great with a tint, so I was happy to have some mascara-free days.

While fLash does seem expensive for the small amount in the tube, it does last for three to four months of daily use. Once happy with the look of your lashes, you can go from daily use to every third day to maintain the look. Overall, a great product that really does what it says it will.

Tips: - Be patient, and don't over-apply! A little goes a long way, and one application a day is enough.

- The serum can cause a slight irritation for some people after applying (especially in the beginning), so I found it best to apply at night after removing makeup.

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Overall rating:
26th March, 2021
0 members found this review useful
My lashes love this amazing product!

I am a loyal user this lash serum! I have been buying this product for years and I won’t stop because it’s cheap and affordable you can get it online and in store at farmers. My lashes are always long and lush. With mascara my lashes are out of this world I get never ending compliments. It really boost your confidence and self love with just having long lashes thanks to flash. Love that this product really works.

Tips: Have patience in time your lashes will grow, keep in bathroom so you can remember to use it once daily. A little goes a long way. As soon as you get to the desired length of lashes after 3months of use if not happy with length keep using for an extra 4 weeks. Then after you’ve reached 4 months of using flash then use it 3 times a week of even just twice. You’ll find that if you stop using flash your lashes over time will go back to normal just keep up with it. Now all shopping platforms have some sort of part payment plans so it is easy to maintain this in your budget if it is expensive for you to buy. Consistency is key.

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Overall rating:
15th March, 2021
0 members found this review useful
Totally recommend!

I have used 2 of these bottles of the years of trying to make my eyelashes healthy, strong and long as I use mascara every day! I haven’t used it in about 5 years but I so need to purchase this again now that I’m also taking collagen, I feel like it will just boost them that much more! I still recommend this product to friends/family asking about serum because it is very affordable compared to others on the market!

Tips: Keep in your bathroom cupboard/draw or where your toothbrush lives! I find I would see it and apply it rather than sitting else where and having to remember to apply!

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Overall rating:
14th March, 2021
0 members found this review useful

I LOVE this stuff! I am always getting comments on my lashes and its because of this wonderful gem! It takes a good 6-8 weeks to notice a real difference but trust me, it's worth the wait. I put it on before bed, on both my top and lower lashes and that's it! No need for fake lashes, just add mascara and be amazed with the results!

Tips: I also run in through my brows as well to help with extra growth

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Overall rating:
26th February, 2021
0 members found this review useful
fLash Lash Serum

This stuff is amazing!! I have been using this for almost 3 months now and my eyelashes look so good. They've grown so much in the time I have used it. I recently went to have an eyelash lift and the beauty therapist asked if I had some extensions still in. I am allergic to extensions so this stuff has been a godsend. People constantly comment on how long my lashes are now. My only wish is that they did this in giant bottles so I could put it on my hair too!

Tips: Chemist warehouse sell it for cheaper - think around $44.

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Overall rating:
20th January, 2021
0 members found this review useful
I was sceptical

My cousin who's a beauty therapist recommended me using this in the lead up to my wedding. I was super sceptical and was audibly shocked at the price in the pharmacy. My (now) husband was also very doubtful. However I started using it everyday and within a week my husband turned to me in the car out of the blue and was like "oh yeah your lashes are getting longer" - this is high praise from a guy who doesn't normally notice if I get a hair cut let alone any other beauty treatments! I got lots of compliments from random friends in the lead up to the wedding so there is clearly a huge difference. Also the tiny bottle lasts a long time, maybe 4 months of everyday application, so if you can stomach the cost it's worth it.

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