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fLash Amplifying Lash Serum

fLash Amplifying Lash Serum
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An eyelash serum like this has never been available before at such an affordable price with such a powerful promise. Flash Eyelash Serum is a lash conditioning serum that dramatically enhances lash length and fullness within weeks by fortifying and conditioning the lash follicles. It is physician formulated and tested and also cruelty free. Flash should be applied daily along the lash line to clean, dry skin, consistently for approximately 6-8 weeks for optimal results. 


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fLash Amplifying Lash Serum

fLash Amplifying Lash Serum


Overall rating:
23rd September, 2014
0 members found this review useful
In love!

I have been using this for months and have found it does wonders for my lashes. It has given my lashes a bit more volume and lots more length since using it. It took a few weeks for it to kick in but I stuck at it and started to get results. I still have to use mascara but when I do I get people asking if I'm wearing falsies. I have also used Revitalash but definitely prefer fLash, especially with the huge price difference!

Tips: I've made it last ages by putting a small bit on my finger and massaging it into my lash line. It recommends you use the little brush to apply it like eyeliner but I found that to be more than enough but when I use my finger its just right.

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16th November, 2014

Hi, when doing this with your finger did any extra lashes grow further up, or away from your original lash line? As your finger is obviously thicker I wondered if it may make stray hairs grow?

Overall rating:
29th September, 2014
0 members found this review useful
An amazing product

fLash Amplifying Lash Serum is an amazing product, it changed my life!! Wow is all I can say! I have been using it for about 4 months and my lashes are so long and thick and beautiful! So so stoked with this product! It was quite pricey but so so worth it! Definitely recommend!

Tips: A little goes a long way

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Overall rating:
6th October, 2014
1 members found this review useful
Best beauty purchase I have ever made.

Naturally I have the most underwhelming lashes - short, stubby, resistant to curling. I've always been envious of long lush lashes so when I heard about lash serums my ears pricked up. Most of them are quite expensive, but I saw some rave reviews on fLash which was a much more affordable $69 ($49 with Farmers rewards voucher woo!) so off to Farmers I trotted.

Packaged in a silver and frosted green tube similar to liquid eyeliner, the product itself is a clear serum. I applied it to my clean top lashes as part of my night time routine, using the brush applicator tip to run it along my lash line. You really only need a small amount of product, dip the wand in, wipe off any excess and I found the remaining amount was enough to do both eyes. I didn't bother using this on my lower lashes but that was personal preference.

WARNING: I did find the first two weeks using this my eyes felt very red and irritated, I wanted to immediately rub it off and I thought it might be an allergic reaction. Perservere though! This reaction disapeered after a couple of weeks, and after three weeks I could see results.

I've now been using fLash for ten weeks and I'm so impressed by the results I have received. It definately delivers on naturally long and beautiful lashes, mine look thicker and with mascara they even have a curl to them which even lash perming didn't seem to achieve!

This is hands down the best beauty purchase I have ever made and I highly, highly recommend it, and will keep on purchasing it.

Tips: Applu this at night to avoid putting product on it and red eyes in the day.

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23rd May, 2015

Yeah happened to me too!

21st May, 2015

I have been using it for two days and my eyelids are a little red. I was worried bit sounds like I just need to persevere!

Overall rating:
20th October, 2014
1 members found this review useful
Amazing product!

I was a bit skeptical before using this product as I wasn't quite sure how well it would work but was amazed at the results. I did see a real difference in my eyelashes and I also had a lot of people commenting on them which was a nice confidence boost!

Tips: My bottle lasted maybe 3 months and thought i'd do a bit of research to try and find the best deal. The cheapest one I found was from an online health shop called It's about $15 less than the RRP so would defo recommend, here is the link; Hope you enjoy using this product as much as I do!

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Overall rating:
22nd October, 2014
0 members found this review useful
Magic in a tube

I purchased the fLash serum mainly for my eyebrows and figured I may as well try it on my lashes too (yes it is meant for both). Over plucking in my younger years had left my eyebrows quite thin - it was fine when that was the look, not so great now when thicker brows are in.

It comes in a tube, similar to a mascara tube - the brush is a very fine brush similar to a paintbrush. The product is a clear liquid, and is best applied to clean skin. I've been applying the product religiously every night to both my brows and lashes, making sure I had no product on my face and all my mascara was removed. I've been using the serum for 9 weeks now and have only just finished it, which is excellent when you factor in a tube is only meant to last 3 months and I've been using it on both areas. I have noticed a HUGE difference to my eyebrows - they have finally started growing in those bare spots and I have been able to create a really great brow shape. I have really long eyelashes naturally, so I didn't really expect to notice much of a change, but I'm happy to say my lashes are thicker and are starting to grow even longer. At first there were only some random long lashes, but with continued use, they have grown all along my lash line. Needless to say I have already ordered a new tube and I am a new devotee to fLash. The RRP is $69 but I have been able to pick it up on a couple of websites for $55 which makes it a steal.

Tips: When the tube is nearly empty it can be hard to get product on the brush - screw the lid all the way back on so the brush sits right on the bottom, that way it picks up all the product and you can get the last little bit out.

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23rd October, 2014

I've only been applying it to the areas where I want them to grow caletv, which is where they used to be - the existing hairs haven't gotten noticeably longer but the whole brow is definitely thicker

22nd October, 2014

With the eyebrow application have yours only grown back where they used to be? I've never plucked but want mine to fill out on the sides. I want to try but I'm a bit worried they existing hairs will just go long and look funny.

Overall rating:
22nd October, 2014
0 members found this review useful
Good stuff

Bought fLash from Farmers as it was get 1 half price. I have been using it for 3 weeks and finally noticed the difference yesterday. My eyelashes have just touched my eyebrows, so definitely growing. No red eyelids as reported by a lot of lilash reviews. I'm really lazy and sometimes don't remove my mascarabbefore bed and it still worked. I have noticed my right eyelashes are a bit longer and I think it's because I sleep on my left side, so I think some gets rubbed off on my pillow. Will start applying it a bit before bed time so it sinks in more.

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22nd October, 2014

P. S. Farmers said they will refund if you have an allergic reaction

Overall rating:
17th November, 2014
1 members found this review useful
Really works

Flash Lash is my all time favourite lash serum. I wear false lashes but wanted to ditch them. Being in my 40s I noticed my lashes were getting brittle and shorter so other then messy glue on lashes or annoying extensions this was my other alternative. I'm glad I did go with this. It was a bit of a pain to remember to use it every day but I got into a routine leaving it by my eye cream and night cream so I would remember to apply it. It's quick and simple to use, My lashes started feeling healthier and gained length pretty quickly, I could feel them touch my sunglasses they got that long! I didn't notice any thickness so not really a replacement for false lashes but a decent mascar took care of that and with the new length, it was win win in that regard! In fact. I did ditch the false lashes when using I tried another brand as I was given it, it was more expensive so I expected better results, sadly it was not to be, I lost that extra length and was super disappointed! So I'm off to buy more Flash Lash as it's obviously better and I miss it very much.

Tips: When you first use it wipe the brush on the side of the bottle as it comes out with more then you need so you don't want to waste it. Also when you are happy with the length you can go back to using it every few days and not loose that new length, unlike other brands which say you have to continue using it every day forever!

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Overall rating:
11th December, 2014
0 members found this review useful
Does what it says

I'm very suspicious about these sorts of products, but it was on special at farmers, so I grabbed one. It's made a noticable difference to my eyelashes - I've been pretty slack at using it daily, but have used it about 3 times a week for 3 months and my lashes look amazing.

It's definitely value for money!

Tips: When I first started using it, my eyelids were a bit irritated. I cut back to using it every 2nd or 3rd day, and it made a big difference - no more irritation, and it seems to work just as well.

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Overall rating:
7th January, 2015
0 members found this review useful
Really Works

I have very short lashes, due to not taking care of them with extensions, after letting my eyelashes rest from extension I decieded to try this lash serum, I didnt know what to expect but gave it ago. After 3 weeks of use i noticed a great difference my eyelashes became alot more fuller and thicker, a slightly longer, it really does work. After about 4-6 weeks my eyelashes were about 4mm longer which is a huge difference in apperance. WORTH THE MONEY

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Overall rating:
22nd January, 2015
0 members found this review useful
Money well spent

For my whole life I have had stubby lashes that just fall out with a eye rub:( but this has made a world of difference to me after 2-3 weeks I noticed more lashes that were thicker and at the 5-6 week mark a lot more length and they r not falling out the same! Some got longer in spots first but at 8 weeks they have all caught up and were pretty even I decided at 10 weeks touts use 2 or 3 times a week and they seem to have stay where they were! I totally love my lashes now no macara needed if I don't want!!

Tips: Warning this is not something I will be able to stop now I started I like my new lashes too much!!

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22nd January, 2015

Ha ha yes I can't stop and I wouldn't want my old lashes now it's so good x



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