Three of us tried this product so here goes...
Me - Big Momma...My hair is short and cut in a bob and used to being blow dried and straightened as the case may be.... I found this product felt quite heavy on my hair. It felt as if it had been coated with something but was heavier and harder to style. On the fourth wash I found I was starting to get an itchy scalp.
Miss 14 - Kennedy - found it was great on her slightly curly long hair which gets its share of the straighteners. Her hair is shiny and is naturally thick - she loved it as dos miss 16 - Tegan or Ttiggi as we call her - she has long straight and thick hair subjected to daily blow wave and straightners like you wouldn't believe !!! in order to get that natural look...hmmm she loved it - it did coat the split ends and her hair is shiny and lovely so there we go
the girls love it so we will use it for them but for me it just did not seem to give it that bounce and glow and was more heavy and made my hair feel limp and harder to style
It made my hair feel more silky - maybe too silky! There was definate build up of the product happening. My split ends do seem to be a bit better after a week of using it, so I have good hopes! The build up is a major drawback though.
Tips: I found that this shampoo & conditioner left quite a bit of build up through my hair, so I ended up alternating it with my normal shampoo and conditioner which seemed to get rid of it!