I brought this item after seeing a friend’s nails. They were so shiny and they were natural! I love wearing nail polish, but with work most the time it is just not practical so this seemed like a good alternative to care and maintain my nails.
This was the first nail buffer I had every used, I loved how easy it was to understand and apply. This item is in a rectangle shape, and feels soft, like it has a sponge inside it. The size makes it easy to hold and grip while buffing each nail, plus it’s easy to take with you if you’re going somewhere. Each side is a different colour, with a different number and label on it. Making it easy to know the process that needs to occur for your nails to shine like diamonds. I find the product really gentle on my nails, and really effective at giving them a nice sheen. Additionally the item itself is really affordable, and easy to locate. I purchased mine from farmers, and will be buying it again!
When I purchased this it was on sale for $5 so great price. My nails are quite hard and have a few ridges on them and i found the side that is supposed to remove ridges wasn't rough enough to do that. The other sides of the block are great though. Really good to use before using polish as it gives a nice clean surface. The block is super easy to hold and control. The actual filing pads wear down pretty quickly so I've found myself repurchasing this a few times but for the price it isn't that big of a deal and I'll continue using this.