I have used Mum dry roll on deodorant for about 30 years and I am a true fan of it. It does keep me dry all day and I do not have any issues with body odour or perspiring when using it. I have from time to time tried a different brand but always go back to Mum as the tried and true deodorant. The only tiny issue I have is that there appear to be only three fragrances available and I would love to see a more extensive range.
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MUM Dry Roll On Deodorant

• All day anti-perspirant deodrant
• Non sting
• Alcohol free
Available in many scents.
Website www.mum-deo.com
I love how the name of this product is Mum. Reliable like a Mum.
This product comes in a small circular tube container, with a screw top lid.
I have used the purple roll on for about 6 years and it hasn't let me down when I've needed to keep things fresh.
Easy to use and compact enough to fit in your handbag fo take with you just incase.
If I'm being active I find myself re-applying this product more than once during the day. On a day at home once is enough to keep my armpits In check, dry and smelling fresh.
I believe there is 3 you can pick from. I have tried both the blue and purple. They smell alot like talcum powder. Not an over powering scent very subtle. My mum introduced me to this roll in. I've tried others and have always gone back to good old Mum.
Cheap as chips! You won't be paying loads for this product. As it says above $4.29 for 50ml. Keep your eyes peeled though they do come on special alot and you can pick them up for around $3. I've found them at the warehouse and Supermarkets
This roll on works for me! No over powering scent, no white marks on clothing that i have noticed, lasts throughout the day. I struggled to find one that worked for me and this is one I reach for often.
I’ve used this deodorant for years, although sometimes I can’t find it in my supermarket so have a few I use on and off. This one is myfavourite though, it’s fragrance is mild so there’s no chance of clashing with your perfume fragrances, and it doesn’t leave any nasty white marks on clothes. I find it a good all-rounder and woukd recommend it to others.
For ages I'd been having trouble with almost every other brand of deo as by the end of the day, sometimes even halfway through the day, I'd be a sweaty stinky mess and I wasn't happy. As I prowled the toiletry aisle at New World my little eye spied the big MUM and the pink and purple lids, so I got a purple bottle and I haven't looked back since.
The design is great in my opinion. It’s so unassuming and not at all eye catching, so when you buy it and use it, it blows you away. I think they’ve recently changed the font on the label, but thankfully not the formula or anything else!
Like any roll on deo this has a screw top lid and then a ball that goes in your pits and applies the good stuff. Super simple. Once you get about halfway through though I find that the ball dries out a bit, so I’ve started storing it on its side or on an empty sellotape wheel, as it’s practically the perfect size to hold the rounded lid. It enables me to get every last drop of goodness from the tube.
This stuff keeps me fresh as a daisy all day long, with minimal wetness. The smell is great too, as it’s nice but not overly potent, so a quick whiff of your pits and you definitely know you’re wearing it. It also doesn't dry out my pits, nor does it make them incredibly itchy (I have itchy pits, this helps). This is my number 1 deo and I’ll purchase it until I die – or they change the formula. Whichever comes first.
I was recently looking for a deodorant because as the summers approach, my underarms will sting even with a little sweat. Since I do workout so really wanting something that can help me avoid embarrassment. I would say MUM Dry Roll On Deodorant is amazing and surely does what it says. It has nice and soft fragrance. It is reasonably priced and looks appealing. I will continue to use it throughout summer.
Tips: Use deodorant after shower or on clean armpits. If you use on sweaty and stingy armpits, it will smell even bad.
My go to brand of roll on. Smells nice but not too over powering. Cheap and affordable. Gives me long lasting protection through out the day.
Mum has been in the family for years. My grandma used it and it was the only roll on she would use then my mum used it. I have also used Mum and I certainly would buy it again and use it again. Mum is a reliable deodorant far better then most of the deodorants that are on the market. Leaving you fresh all day. Mum all the way
You can rely on Mum she won’t let you down with all day protection. It rolls on well and drys quickly has a lovely scent and doesn’t mark your clothes. Packaging is bright and its well priced for a product that works. I’ll definitely keep buying it.
so i would prefer a natural deo but i couldnt find one that didn't make me smell like b/o, this was the closest i could get, i know for sure that this one works for me as well as being cheap, and i like that it is unscented so it doesn't clash wit any perfume i wear.