What a pleasant surprise, for once i didn't sweat it out.Have been busy painting,working in the garden.Wow it works for 48 hours,I'm on my second trial today,have also sprayed my son,he's off to the gym that will be a stress full workout. The perfume is pleasant , and the feel on the skin is rather powdery,Overall I'm very pleased with the product as it works as it should.
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NIVEA Stress Protect Deodorant Aerosol Review

Did you know that we sweat differently when we are under stress? Our body reacts by producing more sweat, triggering stronger odour than that produced during physical activity.
NIVEA Stress Protect Aerosol is scientifically proven to protect against emotional sweating. It's unique anti-bacterial formula combines Stress Protect actives and a Zinc complex to give you reliable anti-perspirant protection against sweat and body odour. Stress Protect provides you with extra protection when you need it - so you can embrace those stressful situations in your everyday life.
- Contains powerful Stress Protect Actives and Zinc Complex formulated to provide you with protection against sweat and odour.
- 48 hour anti-perspirant protection and gentle NIVEA Care
- Skin tolerance dermatologically proven
- No alcohol or colourants
Aerosol 150ml
Website www.nivea.co.nz
Tips: After your shower, it is most important to make sure you dry under your arms properly, that way you will go the distance.Enjoy.
Nivea stress protect deodorant was great but left a sticky feeling on my skin. It smells great and I would definitely look at using it again.
I have been using stress protect for about 3 days now, and have noticed instant improvement in odour and amount of sweating in my armpits. I work in a bar/restaurant and we are constantly on the go for how ever many hours we are open, so I have been having a hard time with my shirts having wet pits and sometimes I could smell my pits and it would embarass me. I don't have that with stress protect, and find I am more confident at work now. I will definitely be buying some when this lot is gone.
Tips: Simply, if you have tried everything, then give it a go. It will more than likely work, and if not then atleast you tried it.
I was lucky enough to be sent this test product the week that I packed up my house to move to England to be with my boyfriend.... Life doesn't get much more stressful than that. I think it must have worked really well as I never had any issues with sweating or any pongy smells! So my only conclusion is that this stuff must work! Nice packaging, nice mat white can. The can did however start to loose spray ability but I could tell there was still lots of product still in the can, that really annoys me when that happens as I think it's really wasteful and you just have to buy more when you haven't even finished the first can. I also detest deodorant of any form that has a perfume or smell to it. I wear nice perfume, I don't want cheap supermarket spray in there too. This product does have a slightly fruity, cheap smell to it. However I think after it is on for a bit it looses any smell, hard to know though. If I bought this product I would have used it once, smelt it and thrown it out, but I persevered as it was for the review. I think it might be ok but I don't think I would buy it again only for the smell. I have found a redo a deodorant called cotton that has almost no smell which I much prefer. So in conclusion, if this had no smell I probably would buy it again as it seems to do what it says. ***justed asked English boyfriend how I've smelt the last week, he says he hasn't smelt me except for once, he's also just had a close up sniff (do t worry it is early in the day) and he said the product smells nice, he likes it. So there you go. Hope this review is useful to you x
Tips: May be worth a try.
Loved this product, Did exactly what it said it would and stood the test extremely well. Usually I sweat a lot and this helped keep those nasty sweat patches to a minimum, Will be purchasing the full size product most definitely.
Tips: Kept it in my bag for a top up through out the day :)
This deodorant does exactly what it is supposed to do, and was suprised that it was not at all irritating - I used this straight after shaving my armpits. As far as deodorants go, it is pretty good and smells really nice! As for personal preference, I find that I go through the aerosol version of deodorants very quickly, and so always use roll on instead.
Tips: Get the roll on instead!
I was actually pleasently surprised by the Nivea Stress Protect Deodorant. Pros: Has a really nice smell that doesn't smell like toilet spray, easy to use and lasted all day. Cons: It did leave a very fine powder on the under arm so you would need to be careful with black clothing. Overall I really like the product and would probably use it again.
Tips: Don't go overboard sraying to close to the skin as this will cause white powder clumps. Just a light spray away from the skin is fine.
I have never been a big fan of spray on deodorants, as I haven't believed they work, but I am surprised and actually prefer this to my standard Nivea roll on and think I am converted! Nice smell, doesn't feel sticky and doesn't leave white marks on my dark clothes!
This is a great product. I am usually not a fan of spray-deodorants, but this anti-perspirant is so good, that I would overcome this issue. I have very sensitive skin, and did not negatively react to the product, which is great. It holds its promise and works for longer than other deodorants I have ever tried, and has a pleasant smell. Also, it does not stain clothing, which is a super-plus when you like to wear black. All in all, a great product.
Found this product very nice and useful. The smell is revitalizing and refreshing, I LOVE IT! I believe this product has done justice for its purpose. It keeps me fresh throughout the day, and it does not leave any "white marks" like other ordinary deodorant products. I would definitely recommend this to a friend, and I will definitely be buying this myself :)