As someone who plays a fair bit of sport I fonld this deoderant pretty good!, I liked the initial fragrance when I sprayed it, though I couldnt really smell it afterwards (which is good in my world). I dont know who on earth would wear a deoderant for 48 hours, so I cant comment on whether it lives up to that statement. Will definitely be chucking this wee fella into my gear bag permanently!
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NIVEA Stress Protect Deodorant Aerosol Review

Did you know that we sweat differently when we are under stress? Our body reacts by producing more sweat, triggering stronger odour than that produced during physical activity.
NIVEA Stress Protect Aerosol is scientifically proven to protect against emotional sweating. It's unique anti-bacterial formula combines Stress Protect actives and a Zinc complex to give you reliable anti-perspirant protection against sweat and body odour. Stress Protect provides you with extra protection when you need it - so you can embrace those stressful situations in your everyday life.
- Contains powerful Stress Protect Actives and Zinc Complex formulated to provide you with protection against sweat and odour.
- 48 hour anti-perspirant protection and gentle NIVEA Care
- Skin tolerance dermatologically proven
- No alcohol or colourants
Aerosol 150ml
I liked the product very much, I am very sensitive to alot of different aerosols especially Nivea but this one was great on my skin. :) However the only thing I didn't like is the smell of this particular aerosol. For me personally, it smelled like toilet spray. Overall a 7/10
Tips: Maybe try new flavors and experiment on different smells that could be incorporated into the product. :)
This product is great! I would recommend it every time. I love Nivea products and this one is a great addition to the family. I recently had a baby and don't always get the time to shower every morning (come on Mums, you know what it's like) but using this deo I knew I could rely on it to keep me fresh until I could the time to shower. It has a great fragrance that's nice and soft.
I was pretty adamant that this was going to fail from the get go... After a days worth of contemplation I decided the next morning to try it! Scent was fresh, no flakey white bits that you get from other deodorants. Nothing like a lunch date & a trip to the mall on a hot NZ day to test this out... Here goes nothing feeling hot as you do I feel a sweaty sensation, i think to myself that Ill have sweat marks (something I detest)... Bathroom stop for a quick touch up & surprise surprise.. NO SWEAT MARKS or wet arm pits! I have recommended this product to my sister who is my deodorant critic!
I was excited to try this out, as I work in a hot stuffy office and can get quite sweaty during the day. I usually use a roll on deo, which takes ages to dry, but now, after trying this out, I am a convert to aerosols! The pros of this Nivea Stress Protect, is that it dries instantly upon spraying on your skin. It works - It kept me dry and fresh smelling ALL day, which is awesome as usually I re apply roll on through out the day. The cons are that while spraying, it goes right up your nose as it spays widely. And the worst thing that happened is that after 2 uses, the spray nozzle became faulty and it wouldnt spray. Not sure if thats because it was just a small tester can or not. I will be buying the full size though, because I love that it keeps me dry all day.
Tips: Spray on before you get dressed, to avoid white marks on your clothing!
Being a heavy sweater, I found this product worked well, however, not the best product I have used. It has a lovely scent, and kept me feeling dry most of the day (not the 48hours promised). I would continue to use it depending on the price. Doesn't leave white marks, which is a bonus!!!
I was lucky enough to be sent this test product the week that I packed up my house to move to England to be with my boyfriend.... Life doesn't get much more stressful than that. I think it must have worked really well as I never had any issues with sweating or any pongy smells! So my only conclusion is that this stuff must work! Nice packaging, nice mat white can. The can did however start to loose spray ability but I could tell there was still lots of product still in the can, that really annoys me when that happens as I think it's really wasteful and you just have to buy more when you haven't even finished the first can. I also detest deodorant of any form that has a perfume or smell to it. I wear nice perfume, I don't want cheap supermarket spray in there too. This product does have a slightly fruity, cheap smell to it. However I think after it is on for a bit it looses any smell, hard to know though. If I bought this product I would have used it once, smelt it and thrown it out, but I persevered as it was for the review. I think it might be ok but I don't think I would buy it again only for the smell. I have found a redo a deodorant called cotton that has almost no smell which I much prefer. So in conclusion, if this had no smell I probably would buy it again as it seems to do what it says. ***justed asked English boyfriend how I've smelt the last week, he says he hasn't smelt me except for once, he's also just had a close up sniff (do t worry it is early in the day) and he said the product smells nice, he likes it. So there you go. Hope this review is useful to you x
Tips: May be worth a try.
I only had few days to use the product, my partner notice the smell and said it was amazing always a good sign no marks this product is great
A good product overall, has a nice scent and stays dry. Only down side is the sting even when putting on days later.
Tips: Dont hold it to close to arm pits, bottle has strong spray and can sting
While the smell is quite pleasant and does last for quite a while I wore this without Roll on to the beach for the day and when I got back you couldn't smell it at all . Also if I put it on in the arvo and slept with it there was only the slight smell in the morning so I don't think this actually last 48hours as it says unless your not doing anything
Tips: Possibly have to re apply during the day so keep it on hand