Cool Charm Body Spray smells soooo yum! Each one makes me feel different. I love collecting different scents and taking a few min each day to decide which one will make me feel more confident and suit my plans. It sounds lame... but with two kids two minutes to myself is heaven!
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Cool Charm Body Spray Review

Fun all over fragrance.
Cool Charm perfumed body sprays developed by fine fragrance perfumers will give you fantastic all-day, all-over they are small enough to keep in your hand bag. Spray all over for fun, bold & refreshing excitement all day long!
Spray all over the body. Do not apply to broken or sore skin or spray near eyes or face. Not for intimate hygiene use. Stop use if irritation develops. Replace cap firmly after use. Store away from high temperatures, and do not smoke during use.
Packsize 75g
I've used the Cool Charm range since I was around 12, while I've moved more into perfumes, I still keep a couple of these around because I love them. It seems like there's always a new scent to try (my favourite is Lunar Eclipse). The scent stays for a decent length of time as far as body sprays go, I'd say about four hours at the most. The smell is nice and noticeable without being overpowering and they are such a good price! Love them!
I've always got at least one of these in my bag, they're great for those hot days or even if you just want to smell good for a date. They're like a perfume in a spray, the smell lasts for a while and covers any of those nasty smells you've gained during a hot and sweaty day. All the sprays smell nice too so you can just grab one and go knowing you'll smell scrumptious.
Tips: spray a bit on your wrists in the morning like you would with perfume and it'll subtly last all day
Having sensitive skin I have to be careful which brands I use. This is my preferred brand as the smells are not only amazing, but this brand doesn't leave me with a burning sensation like other brands do. My favorite scent is Tokyo Blossom. I've found that it lasts 4-6 hours before re-application.
This was all I would wear when I was like 15. I repurchased the watermelon scent about 20 times and would spray it about a billion times a day (probably not too good for my lungs, but oh well).
These are definitely aimed at younger girls, I'd say 11-16. If you're a grown woman, you probably couldn't get away with smelling like pure candy and sugar, but if that's what you're into, go for it!
I actually had a bit of an old spray left (the watermelon one, of course) and I used it last week as a bit of a last resort. To my surprise, my boyfriend loved it. I think he liked it better than half the purfumes I have. Even though I probably wouldn't start wearing it every day, it just goes to show that you could probably get away with wearing this in your 20s and people (probably) won't think you're crazy.
Tips: Try the watermelon one - it's heaven :D
I really like to play because you can be able to anyway you go and it's not carrying your bag is lightweight and smells really good my favorite one is the lunar eclipse the new one because it's really cheqpnand affordable to huynfrom any sipermarket and pharmacy. All my friends use itnand tell me it's amazing and its good after going to the gym or after working out because it gets rid of the sweaty smell and also put some on before shower so your bed smells good all night
Tips: Spray and walk into it
I have been using this for a few years, it is my favourite smelling body spray out of all the brands, my personal favorite is lunar eclipse. The scent doesnt seem to last as long as some other brands but for the cheap price, I'm not too bothered! I like to carry it around in my handbag for when I'm out and about and need to smell nice! I would recommend this to a friend :)
Tips: You may need to reapply during the day :)
I absolutely love this product because it is small and smells devine. It is a great refresher for when you touch up makeup, instead of taking purfume everywhere, just chuck this in your bag and away you go. I love that there is a wide range of scents so you can choose which ones you love the most, and they are fairly inexpensive.
perfect for traveling in your purse not breakable or heavy .. I think all of these sprays have lovely scents to them ... they are cheap and work just as good as an expensive perfume! I find that its last on your body and cloths and gives you a fresh feeling when applied !
Love how its so cheap and fits into your handbag for a quick and easy application. Love how its comes in a variety of different flavours, one think i don't like about it is the smell doesn't last for long so you have to reply every few hours