As a mum of two young boys and mental health issues I constantly battle no energy and tiredness. I Am a give it a go person and have been trying fish oil, evening primrose oil, multi vitamin and vit b to try increase my energy and get rid of the constant tiredness, hindered by the youngest still not sleeping through regularly. So I was eager to try this new tablet. I decided to keep to my necessary meds and stop the vitamins listed above and give the product it's own legs to stand on. Within a few days I noticed an increase in energy and was less tired, however the next few weeks were the biggest challenge, my two boys both had operations within a week of each other, then a week after that I got my period...not a good few weeks. Normally I would be a mess with my period and the stress of my babies operations. I FLEW through, coped amazingly, I couldn't believe it. I had loads of energy, wasn't tired at all, finally , and was happy. Wow what a difference. I highly recommend these tablets. Esp if you a worn out stressed out mum like me. I'm a new woman.
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NuWoman 30 Plus Review

- Our best-selling product for menopause & PMS
- Natural, hormone-free supplement for hormonal fluctuations during menstruation & menopause
- May reduce nervous tension & emotional outbursts
- May lessen anger, irritability & mood swings
Tips: The box said take 1 tablet morning and night, I found I stopped sleeping though as my energy was too high so cut it to just one in the morning.
Wen I received this product , I was a bit stressed due to moving house , towns and starting a new job. I started taking this product , it helped me keep calm being able to preform. Keeping my head clear , by giving me a boost of vitamins and minerals to keep me even . O will certainly use this product again great stuff
Tips: Take it with food
Look, I was pretty skeptical about this product. The box says this will address mood swings, anger, nervous tension, irritability (YES!), lack of energy, emotional outbursts, stress and weepiness, oestrogen dominance. Really? Yeah right. But I eat my hat: I am: Happier, calmer, I've had no PMT (once a month I'm weepy and then I fly off the handle and want to irrationally throttle someone). None of this. I've been diligently taking two of these hormone balance supplements and I'm feeling incredible. I cannot stop waxing lyrical about this and, with one tab of supplements to go - I'm sold: Off to buy this product. I need to add that I have been sleeping better too, but I'm unsure whether that's a byproduct of the supplement or because I've reduced my iPad/technology use late at night and I've been getting into bed earlier... But regardless, it's worth mentioning I'm sleeping better. Also: Skin is clearer. This can't be a coincidence? Thanks a million BR for sending this to me to review, this came up trumps for me. Lastly, a colleague at work has been using this too: And also swears by it.
Tips: Leave a tab at work, just in case you forget to take your morning supplement!
When I first heard about this during Beauty Review's Inner Beauty week, I had my fingers and toes crossed for a spot on the trial, and although I missed out it gave me the chance to read the trialees amazing reviews and boy was I sold!
I normally get horrendous PMS, which has gotten worse since changing my contraceptive pill six months ago. I'm talking mood swings galore, irrational anger, irratability, grumpiness, anxiety, permanent stress and feeling a lot more down, a lot more of the type. This has also resulted in many emotional outbursts and several incidences where I've burst into tears at work.
I take this every morning and sometimes at night if I feel I need it, but usually just in the morning as I have trouble sleeping and I find if I have one too close to bed it seems to add to it. Since I began taking it a few weeks ago I've already noticed sooo much difference! My overall mood has improved, I feel calmer and much more balanced, with no weepies or irrational outbursts. I am completely sold on these and will continue to repurchase as I don't want to be without them! I've also begun recommending them to others, a work friend mentioned she had not been feeling the best and emotional and thought she may be going through menopause, so I bought along a tab of pills for her to begin trying and told her how much I loved them. Thank you so much BR for introducing me to this!
Tips: If you have trouble sleeping either try taking them once a day, or you PM pill in the afternoon instead.
There are times I can't stand myself, irritated easily and when you throw PMS into the mix well let's just say people run a mile, this vibrant package arrived and promises freedom. So yes I was sceptical after I have tried most things I wouldn't believe a pill could fix it. Well in the first week I didn't notice much change but by the time my period turned up I was a lot more calmer minus my cravings of sweet and sailed through it, I can't recommend this product enough, yes it is a little steeply priced on the shelf, but it's bright package keeps me reminded to take it, tasteless pills are easy to swallow, and no stomach discomfort. So that on it's own is worth it's money. I have noticed my hair seems stronger too, and my husband loves my more settled mood!
Tips: Store it on your fridge it's brightness gets your attention!
I love NuWoman 30+ because it cured my acne and got my stress levels under control! I had suffered from bad acne for years and years and years...I had been to dermatologists and tried serious medical treatments, accupuncture, Chinese medicine, light therapy - you name it I tried it! It was only when I won a packet of 30 Plus and had been using it for a month that I realised my skin was completely clear! I also found my stress levels were lower and I slept better because I didn't lie awake at night thinking about anything and everything. I kept using this for over a year and I didn't get a single pimple. Then one day, when they ran out, I was on a tight budget so I figured I didn't really need to be spending money on them - but a few weeks later I had pimples again! Anyway, needless to say, I started to take them religiously again and haven't had a pimple since.
Tips: These will only be of benefit to you if you actually have a hormone imbalance which causes estrogen dominance. But, if you do happen to have that imbalance and are suffering from the effects of that imbalance, then I believe they'll perform miracles for you!
For years I suffered with horrible PMS symptoms that included: severe water retention which always led to bloating and swollen breasts (sometimes it was so bad I'd go up two cup sizes!), awful mood swings, cravings, headaches, migraines, acne breakouts, severe cramps and emotional outbursts or uncontrolled weepiness.
I used to take an Evening Primrose Oil and Vitamin B6 supplement called "Primeve Plus" which did help a lot, but since moving to New Zealand, I had to find something else as I can't get Primeve here. I saw NuWoman 30 Plus on the shelf in my local supermarket and thought I'd give it a try. I had nothing to lose and was desperate to try anything as I'd been without the Primeve for a few months and my PMS was back with a vengeance.
The medium-sized round tablets are easy to swallow and one tablet is taken twice daily (morning and evening) with food. The back of the blister packs are marked with am and pm so it's easy to tell if I've taken one and the am and pm pills are exactly the same, so it doesn't matter if you don't want to use the markers and prefer to just take them in any order.
Containing Cimifuga Racemosa (Black Cohosh), Tyrosine, chromium picolinate, B-complex vitamins and calcium, these magical little tablets help to control mood swings, anger, nervous tension, irritability, emotional outbursts, stress and weepiness.
Black Cohosh is the root of a herb and has been used to treat painful menstruation, acne, PMS and menopause symptoms for years. Tyrosine supports the thyroid's natural functions especially during times of stress and tension. The B-complex vitamins aid in the body's natural balance and synthesis of hormones. Chromium Picolinate helps to regulate blood sugar levels which in turn controls cravings, headaches, overeating, mood swings and irritability.
NuWoman 30 Plus is safe to take if you're on the contraceptive Pill and it is designed to support natural hormonal balance, no matter what age you are (it can be taken by under 30's). It contains no added gluten, yeast, starch or artificial colouring.
At first I didn't notice any changes but after taking the tablets for 3 months, my PMS symptoms became less severe. They were still there but not nearly as bad. It's now six months later and I have months where I barely even notice PMS symptoms. Yes, they're still there, but not every month. Some months I cramp, some months I don't. Some months I'm bloated, sometimes I'm not (cutting down on salt intake the week before PMS is due to start definitely helps with water retention and bloating) and I haven't had a migraine in months!
Would I recommend it? Definitely.
Tips: I keep mine on the kitchen counter where I usually prepare breakfast or dinner so that I remember to take it with food.
Holy Heck, where have these beauties been all my life!! I will admit I am only 29 ;) But I happened to be lucky enough to get my hand on these NuWoman 30 + I was very unsure at first, just suspecting another one of those "getting on bangwagon" for companies to sell to woman type products, but really can notice huge difference in myself, magic pills, I was feeling pretty grim so was needing something, something fast!! It has been just over 6 weeks and really can notice the difference, though getting regular sleep and sticking to a decent bedtime, and eating better has also been a huge contribute, upon saying that though, the tablets have really helped me with the balance for much longer, and even my partner has been able to notice some difference, I am not as irritable, teary and screaming, and my sugar craving aren't as no late night trips to the supermarket. I would recommend to any woman that is wanting to have that balance and something that isn't going to be interfering with their regular day to day life. These are something I continue to use and definitely if its making me feel more positive it will be something I am continuing to take.
Tips: I am aware these can be brought online, so maybe other options for them to be cheaper, we all like saving a buck! :)
If you talk to me or know me in person, you'll know im singing praises to the lord over these supplements! They're for women of all ages who just want to feel a bit more balanced again and damn these work wonders! They've balanced my hormones, meaning my hormonal acne is under control, made "that time of the month" easier to deal with and they've definitely made an improvement on my mood! I would never go without these little magic makers again! The confidence they have given me with my skin is so amazing, i love feeling good enough to go without makeup in public!
Tips: These can take up too two months to fully work so be patient!
For the past month I was feeling really irritable, grumpy and just downright nasty. Nothing could stop the mean words from popping out of my mouth.
When I heard about this product I decided "what the heck" and decided to give it a go. I got to tell you now I'm glad I did. My mood has improved dramatically over the past 3 weeks of using this product its like the bitchy me has been sent away and the happy me is back!
One thing I love about these pills is that they have AM and PM on the blister-packs so you know when you've taken them (I have a habit of forgetting to take my medications as it is so that was a massive help)
I will definitely be using this product again - although it is a little pricy but totally worth it in my opinion. You get what you paid for.
Tips: If you have problems remembering to take medications make sure you set an alarm as a reminder.