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Veet Spray On Cream Review

Veet Spray On Cream Review
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Girls, now you can get silky smooth legs with no need to spread the cream - simply spray it on!

It removes hair effectively without cutting it, so hair grows back feeling softer, and leaves skin moisturised.


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Veet Spray On Cream Review

Veet Spray On Cream Review


Overall rating:
18th March, 2014
0 members found this review useful
Super duper easy!

I've been using this for two months now and it is just too easy! Smear it on, wait a few minutes and scrape it off... yup, super easy! The most difficult part, waiting the recommended time, I am way too impatient for my smooth legs (it could also be because I always end up using this right before I actually have to be somewhere, so bad time management on my part). I would suggest waiting a little bit longer than the recommended time (only a few minutes) if your hair is quite thick. Mine is thicker in some places, so I know where I can scrape first and which hairy bits to leave for last to give the cream time to destroy the icky hairs.

I am also not the neatest person when I use this product, so I tend to have an old towel under me and a clear path to the bathroom. The one time I bumped into the couch, knocked over a pile of pillows and got cream on the carpet, it kinda of bleached where it touched. Tie die couch anyone!

Tips: I personally cringe at the smell, it's not as bad as some creams, but I can still smell it and hate it. So I tend to use this, then straight into the shower to make sure I've got all the cream off after scrapping and then I use my shower gel mixed with some lavender oil. Gets rid of the iffy smell and also leaves my shower smelling nice.

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Overall rating:
1st February, 2014
0 members found this review useful
Very effective

After using this in the shower not so long ago I was surprised with the effectiveness of it, I have tried the cream before but found that it burned and after use itched, but the hubby uses veet for his personal hygiene and after he picked this up on promotion thought I'd give it ago. It was better to use as it didn't end up all over the place and stick to my hands, the fragrance was pleasant too. After 5 mins (I was being cautious) I used the scraper and took off the hair with ease, without burn and after rinsing and drying, no itchy occurred. Doesn't beat shaving for closeness but does second best

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Overall rating:
3rd March, 2014
0 members found this review useful
Was much easier to use

This was much easier to use than other Veet products I've tried. The spray on can means much less time for application and much less mess to deal with than the in shower cream, a much better option in you are a Veet cream fan. However the downfall for this one is that there's not a lot of it in the can itself and you will run out of it very quickly which combined with the spray on technique needing practice means you may end up wasting a fair amount of it before you end up getting the most out of the product. For a Veet product I think this one is the easiest to apply (with a bit of aiming practice) because the mess factor is drastically reduced while getting a similar result. Theres still the odd chemical floral smell to contend with but I noticed was not as strong a scent with this one which made it much more tolerable than other Veet products, but still requires the window wide open for health reasons.

Tips: Watch your aim when you first use it, and do so over the bath or shower. like its counterparts you don't want to get it on any fabric, and remember like always to watch your time limit when using a hair removal cream on your skin

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Overall rating:
4th May, 2014
0 members found this review useful
Easy and effective

Having used veet cream years ago, I was interested to see how this spray on version worked. As opposed to the cream version, spray on means you need to aim carefully where you want the product. I ended up spraying into my palm and quickly apllying where I wanted. I leave it on for 5 minutes. I find this time is good for washing my face otherwise I am too impatient! The scraper tool is really good and easily removes the product along with your hair yay! The only thing that would improve this product would be to make it smell better. But I guess we don't buy it for a fragrance. My hair, in my opinion does grow back softer than with shaving.

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Overall rating:
7th May, 2014
0 members found this review useful
Yay No Shaving

I hate shaving my legs, I know its gross but it seems to take up so much time.

This really works for me, it can be a little patch if you don't leave it on long enough. However if you time it right it works perfectly.

I don't think the smell is as nice as they say it is, but it's not completely gross. Still not the best smell in the world.

Tips: Don't apply to much, a thin layer will work fine and saves you money.

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Overall rating:
2nd August, 2014
0 members found this review useful

Loved the idea of a cream, all you do is rub on it works while your showing then use scraper for hairs to dissapear,unfortuanly leaves heaps hair on legs and have to repeat, smells soo strong and yuck,the smell stays on your legs for hours after shower

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Overall rating:
22nd February, 2020
1 members found this review useful
Very messy and smelly

I bought this on sale because I thought a spray-on hair removal cream might be easier to use than a hair removal cream from a tube. This review is for the “Sensitive skin” edition.

The Veet spray on hair removal cream comes in a 150ml can, with a curved, clear plastic scraper attached. The foam itself is white. The instructions say to spray onto the legs from 5cm away, and to leave on for 5 minutes (no more than 10 for stubborn hair). If the hair comes away easily with the scraper after 5 minutes, then you can rinse it all off in the shower using the scraper to remove the rest of the hair.

There are strong positives and negatives to this product. The positives are that I found it to be very effective for removing my hair. My leg hair is mostly medium brown, and reasonably fine. The hair came away easily after 5 minutes, and the scraper is a handy tool for scraping off the hair. Afterwards my legs felt smooth, and the regrowth is much less stubbly because it has not been cut such as when I use a razor.

The negatives are that this has a terrible chemical smell. It really stinks. It also creates a terrible mess. I can see why they suggest standing in your bathtub or shower to apply this because the white foam gets everywhere! It is also very slippery if you get it on the floor, so be careful. Also, it is hard to control the pressure on the nozzle. Sometimes the cream would come out very thickly, and other times it was sparser. I have quite short legs, but I still had to use quite a lot of foam to cover them properly. The second time I went to use this, I only got one leg covered before the foam ran out! This seems quite expensive for a hair removal product to only get 1 ½ uses out of it.

Altogether, I think this is a good idea for a product, but it is very messy and smelly. I will stick to using a hair removal cream for now.

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Overall rating:
11th April, 2014
0 members found this review useful
Didn't work for me

This product never really seemed to work on my legs.

I gave this hair removal cream a good few goes and unfortunately it never took the hair off to a satisfactory result. I would always find myself shaving afterwards and being disappointed that I had put a decent amount of time into something that didn't work at all!

The smell was very over-empowering and I often got headaches when using it, which is a complete product turn-off for me.

For the time and effort this takes I would much rather shave, where I get a close, smooth result.

I also have sensitive skin, and would often feel tingles, I was always scared that I would burn my skin! It does have warnings too, like if you leave it on too long..So I was always extra cautious! But never saw results. In saying this, I do have thick, course, dark hair that can be difficult to remove, so I would recommend that you try this at least once, it may work great for you.

The good thing I do have to say, is that the spray bottle is much easier to use than the traditional squeeze with sponge hair removals. Definitely cleaner and more hygienic!

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Overall rating:
15th June, 2014
0 members found this review useful
Just Average

I found this pretty average. Pros for sure is that the spray can is easier for application than with the older sponge stuff.... Cons being the scraper thingy, I found it left me with bruises as I do have quite sensitive skin. Doesn't remove all the hair though....

Tips: They're not kidding when they say be careful about what surfaces you get this stuff on, definitely watch out for any clothes lying around!

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Overall rating:
27th June, 2014
0 members found this review useful
Not very impressed

I followed the directions to a T. But after I washed the cream off I had the worst rash all over my legs and the hairs hadn't even been removed properly. The smell was awful and lingered in my skin for hours.

Tips: Shaving is better

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