I received a handbag sized tube of this in a goodie bag earlier in the year. On the good side, the packaging is beautiful - black and gold - and the cap unscrewing is an easy access but safe from spills option.
On the down side, I didn't find it a heavy enough moisturiser for me (I get very dry hands over winter) and I found it too strongly scented for my taste. While scented creams seem like an appealing idea, in reality by the time I've applied perfume and flavoured lip balm, a scented hand cream it just too too much!
Of course, lots of other people would consider a strong scent a positive thing, so do try a tester in store and don't just take my word for it!
I kept this on my dressing table and used it on my very dry legs all last summer. The packaging is just beautiful and the cream is lightweight but moisturising. But the best part is the smell - I used the blood orange and I just loved how rich the smell was. The only downside is the price - Mor products are on the expensive side.
Tips: If you’re using this, don’t use a perfume - the lotion itself is richly scented.