So Im a big fan of those beauty products that do contain natural ingredients, Manuka Honey is definitely one of those ingredients, When I did manage to see this product on sale at the local supermarket I knew I just had to grab it.
I did love the shimmery creamy product and It smelt delightful. It lathered over my body quite nicely and felt amazing, it did manage to keep my body feeling refreshed and moisturised. love the product
I had a rare occasion when my partner and I went to shop at countdown. I stumbled across this body wash. I'm attracted to products with Manuka Honey in them because I've read lots about how good it is for our bodies.
At the time I went in this was on special for $5 dollars. It came in a 400 ml bottle. The picture and labelling has changed from this brown to a light blue pattern. When I read the ingredients on the bottle it says how its free of parabens. I couldn't really notice much of a difference without these parabens. The texture of this body wash is creamy . It looks like a white shimmery liquid wash. It smells more like coconut than honey.
When I use this body wash it lathers up nicely on my skin. It feels so smooth and soft against my skin. I didn't feel like my skin was dried out after use. My body felt clean.I use this daily until finished. It's priced a little high, I probably wouldn't buy it at full cost.