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One Nicely Contoured Cheek and One That Needs Help

9 posts, 6 members
3395 posts
   Contouring is a new thing for me I've only actually started regularly doing it at the end of last year. I've discovered I have one already contoured cheek. My left cheekbone catches the light and looks already highlighted if I tilt my head down and a bit to the right and it's got the contour and even a bit of a flush without any makeup. When I contour my left cheek I just enhance what's aready there it's mapped out where the contour, blush and highlight go and I got the contour right every time I've done a full face from day one.

   The funny thing is my right cheek doesn't really have that contoured look it's just a cheek with no particular shape. When I've tried to get it to match what have naturally going on on my left cheek it doesn't always turn out and sometimes it just looks like I have more sideburn going on my right cheek than I do. Does anyone else have this problem and how do you get around it and get your cheeks contours to match?
8375 posts
if you always do your makeup in the same place it sounds like the light is simply better on one side and you are over applying to the less well lit side. perhaps try applying makeup in a different spot and see if that helps
3395 posts
   I actually discovered the lighting issue when couldn't get my contour to show up no matter how much product I applied and then discovered it was due to the light source being behind me. 

   But now I put my little mirror on my window sill so I'm facing the light when I do my contour.
2057 posts
I always find my contour sits better on the right side. It's not noticable to anyone else, but I find it just sits better and requires less work than the other side. It's probably because we're not 100% symetrical.
5360 posts
Hey there,

I’ve been contouring for the last two years.
I have two angled contouring brushes . One that’s very compact in bristles. I use that one to map out my contour line. Then go over with my second contour brush which is a bit loose in bristles and buff it it out . 
5112 posts
maybe your dominant hand just applies product better to whatever side of your face looks nice. i have the same problem with eyeliner. nobody can tell but me so i don't worry too much.
60 posts
I have the same problem! Haha. My right cheek is rounder than my left.  I confirmed this last year during my wedding when my make up artist told me that my right side needed a bit more contour than my left side. On a daily basis, I just contour a little bit more on my right cheekbone using the Benefit Hoola bronzer and my Real Techniques contour brush. By a bit more, I mean dabbing about 2 times and extending the contour just a little bit closer to the center of the face.

Not really sure why but I personally feel it's because I use more muscles on my left cheek when I smile. I'm almost always on my left angle when I get taken photos. :D
3395 posts
Lol @thirtywinks I sleep on my left side every night. I do roll over to my right side later in the night but definitely spend more time sleeping on my left side.  Maybe sleeping on it has flatted my cheek in the right place and made my cheekbone stand out more. Lol
60 posts
@tannygirl: hahahaha makes sense. That's like a DIY permanent contour :D



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